The Two Towers - Special Extended DVD (Four Discs)

Last Update: 03 November 2003

LOTR: The Two Towers - Special Extended DVD (Four Discs) contains extra footage of Boromir
not shown in the theatrical release of the film. LOTR:TTT (Special Extended Edition) is available
to pre-order, and will be released on November 18, 2003.


The One Cut: Review of The Two Towers: Extended Edition
By Susan Thea Posnock
"The one scene that stands above the rest among the new elements is the flashback involving
Boromir, Faramir and their father, Denethor. It features some of the finest acting of all the films, with
John Noble’s performance as Denethor adding depth not only to Faramir in this film, but Boromir
in Fellowship of the Ring. Sean Bean reminds us what a driving, powerful force he was in that film."

From Drjoe:
"A major new flashback scene in which we see Boromir and Faramir after reclaiming Osgiliath
for Gondor. We learn that their father, Denethor, disapproves of Faramir. Denethor tells Boromir
about the meeting that's been called by Elrond in Rivendale - the Ring has been found. Denethor
sends Boromir to the meeting, and orders him to bring the Ring back to Gondor to save their people.

Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions of these screen shots from LOTR: TTT (Extended DVD).



Boromir and Faramir in full battle armour as shown in happier times during a flashback in TTT:EX - probably at the reclaiming of Osgiliath (but possibly Minas Tirith.) In the top-left you can see Faramir's lieutenant as seen in Ithilien in TTT.


Faramir and Boromir share a celebratory drink at the retaking of Osgiliath. "Remember today, little brother. Today, life is good. Cheers!"




Boromir, High Warden of the White Tower and Captain-General of Gondor's Guard, pauses for a moment upon the ramparts of Osgiliath.


Boromir exults in the re-capturing of Osgiliath. A glorious shot of the city skyline, partially in ruins, that hints at its former grandeur.




Boromir stands upon the ramparts above the besieged city of Osgiliath and stakes a claim for Gondor, to the cheers of the knights below.


Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, conversing with Boromir within the walls of Minas Tirith. Of what do they speak?


Boromir's corpse lies within the boat of Lothlorien. This scene is most likely part of a dream sequence, in which Faramir espies his brother's body.


Boromir and Denethor exchange what appears to be heated words, in this scene from the TT:EX preview.


Interview with Sean.

Source: Orlando Bloom Multimedia


Source: Herr-der-Ringe

Source: Herr-der-Ringe

Boromir and Faramir share a moment of victory after the forces of Gondor reclaimed (part of) Osgiliath. This scene will probably appear on the Extended DVD for The Two Towers.


Sean Bean as "Boromir" at his funeral in the Special Extended Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Photo: Pierre Vinet/ © 2003 New Line Home Entertainment David Wenham as "Faramir" and Sean Bean as "Boromir" in the Special Extended Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Photo: Pierre Vinet/ © 2003 New Line Home Entertainment

John Noble as "Denethor" and Sean Bean as "Boromir" in the Special Extended Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Photo: Pierre Vinet/ © 2003 New Line Home Entertainment David Wenham as "Faramir" and Sean Bean as "Boromir" in the Special Extended Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Photo: Pierre Vinet/ © 2003 New Line Home Entertainment

Director of Photography Andrew Lesnie and Director Peter Jackson review a scene with Sean Bean ("Boromir") at Gondor in the Special Extended Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Photo: Pierre Vinet/ © 2003 New Line Home Entertainment

Source: Blackstar

The Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers (Special Extended Edition) (Four Discs)
(DVD) (Widescreen) (2002)

The Two Towers continues to follow the fortunes of the members of the now divided fellowship, with Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), Legolas (Orlando Bloom) and Gimli (John-Rhys Davies) helping to restore some order to the land of King Theoden (Bernard Hill), whose mind has been poisoned by the machinations of Grima Wormtongue (Brad Dourif). Wormtongue is a secret emissary of wizard Sauron (Christopher Lee), now ready to unleash his army of the night on Middle-Earth.

Meanwhile, Frodo (Elijah Wood) is falling deeper under the dread influence of The Ring, as he journeys with Sam (Sean Astin) towards Mordor, and fellow Hobbits Merry and Pippin encounter the Ent Treebeard, an ancient tree-shepherd. With the addition of the extraordinary Gollum (Andy Serkis), the return of Gandalf, and a steady build up to the brilliantly staged rain-soaked night time battle of Helm's Deep, Peter Jackson's The Two Towers is every bit as exciting and wondrous as The Fellowship of the Ring.

Discs One And Two:
Four audio commentaries by the director and writers, the design team, the production team and the cast.
Disc Three:
Adapting the book into a screenplay and planning the film. Designing and inspiration for locations in Middle-earth. Storyboards to pre-visualisation. Weta Workshop visit – the weapons, armor, creatures and miniatures. Atlas of Middle-earth: tracing the journey of the Fellowship. Interactive map of New Zealand highlighting the location scouting process. Galleries of art and slideshows with commentaries by the artists. And much more.
Disc Four:
Sending actors to battle – preparation for sword fighting. Principal photography: stories from the set. Digital effects including motion capture and "Massive" (a program to create armies of Orcs). Bigatures – a close-up look at detailed miniatures used in the film. Galleries of behind-the-scenes photographs and personal cast photos. Post-production – editing it all together. Sound design demonstration. And much more.

'Towers' collectors' DVD runs a spell longer
By Susan Wloszczyna
12 June 2003

Boromir lives!

Source: USA Today
Admirers of manly actor Sean Bean will rejoice, if somewhat briefly, when the three-hour, 43-minute extended cut of last year's No. 2 box-office hit The Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers reaches shelves in a four-DVD collection on Nov. 18. One of the year's most-anticipated DVD releases is timed to the release Dec. 17 of The Return of the King, the final film based on J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved fantasy trilogy.

USA TODAY got an early preview in Wellington, New Zealand, last week at director Peter Jackson's private screening room. Though a two-DVD set with the original three-hour Towers arrives on shelves Aug. 26, Rings completists will find plenty of fresh Middle-earth fodder in the longer version.

Bean's ring-craving Boromir, slain at the end of 2001's The Fellowship of the Ring, is resurrected in a lengthy DVD flashback after brother Faramir (David Wenham) finds a boat bearing his body.

Not only is there more Bean to savor, but the twisted emotional ties that ensnare ruler Denethor (New Zealand actor John Noble, who officially joins the cast in King), his favorite son, Boromir, and scapegoat Faramir also are exposed. The scenes also help explain why the noble Faramir is rather rude when he meets heroic hobbits Frodo (Elijah Wood) and Sam (Sean Astin).

Other DVD additions to the middle tale that heighten the drama and lighten the mood:

Rohan horseman Eomer (Karl Urban) finds his mortally wounded cousin Theodred and brings him home, where his subsequent death goes all but unnoticed by his spell-stunned father, King Theoden (Bernard Hill).

The plight of Eowyn (Miranda Otto), Eomer's sister, deepens as she sings a mournful dirge during Theodred's funeral. Meanwhile, her unrequited passion for visiting warrior Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) is further inflamed when he tames an unruly horse by whispering sweet nothings in Elvish.

There are more tree treats as the once-truncated encounter between ancient Treebeard the Ent and hobbits Pippin (Billy Boyd) and Merry (Dominic Monaghan) stretches its limbs. At one point, Treebeard's droning rumble of a voice causes the halflings in his branches to become drowsy.

Jackson injects much fun with food and beverage. Eowyn, not especially deft in the kitchen, serves Aragorn a vile-looking bowl of homemade stew, which he politely chokes down. Boromir and Faramir share a couple of victory brews, and one declares in beer-ad fashion, "Today, life is good." Pippin and Merry greedily guzzle the magical elixir known as Ent-draught, adding inches to their wee stature.

The most surprising revelation in the longer Two Towers? That hale-and-hunksome Aragorn is 87 years old. Maybe it's something in that stew.

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