LOTR - Science Museum Exhibit
Last Update: 16 Sep 2003
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Picture source: TheOneRing.net |
- Source:
- The Lord of the Rings, The Making
of the Movie Trilogy by Brian
Sibley (Houghton Mifflin Co, November 6, 2002)
- "We get strange requests here at
Weta," says Prosthetics Supervisor,
- Gino Acevedo, "including five days
to produce a lifelike dead
- Boromir!"
- The body was required for the scene
in which the fallen warrior is
- laid in an Elven boat by his companions
prior to being sent on his
- final journey over the Falls of Rauros.
- It is unnervingly authentic, but how
was it done? Gino explains: "We
- already had a head cast of Sean Bean
from which our workshop
- supervisor, Jason Docherty, made a silicone
mold. By pouring melted
- plastine clay into the mold he got a
perfect copy of Sean's face,
- which was passed to one or our top sculptors,
Ben Hawker, who worked
- out the features in order to make them
a little more gaunt.
- "From this amended sculpture, Jason
made another mold of the whole
- head, and I mixed up a pale silicone
that we use in replicating skin
- and poured that into the mold which
was left to cure overnight. The
- next day, Jason unmolded the head and
I painted it in very pale. dead
- skin tones.
- Once it had been painted, Boromir's
head then went to Gavin Skudder,
- one of our hair technicians, who meticiculously
punched in the hair,
- beard, and mustache, a strand at a time.
- So authentic was the result that when
the body had been lying around
- on the set for an hour or two, an unsuspecting
- thoughtfully enquired whether Sean oughtn't
to be offered something
- to drink."
- Tolkien sets new record
By Laura Smith, Evening
15 September 2003
Epic trilogy The Lord Of The Rings is the subject of the Science
Museum's most popular exhibition ever staged - before it has
- More than 14,000 tickets, worth £150,000,
have already been sold for
- the show which opens tomorrow.
- It lifts the lid on the science and
special effects behind the films
- of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth. Visitors
will also see the costumes,
- including the flowing robes of Princess
Arwen, played by Liv Tyler,
- and the downsized outfits of the hobbits.
- On the gory side are severed orc heads,
wizened feet, ears and teeth
- and intricate armour and weapons used
in the films' many battle
- scenes.
- Two models - a five-metre high Cave
Troll and a life-size Boromir
- (played by Sean Bean on film) were specially
made for the
- exhibition.
- An interactive exhibit explains how
the characters appear to be
- different heights, and there are also
demonstrations using computer
- generated images. Fans can even "morph"
into a hobbit and take home a
- souvenir photograph.
- Richard Taylor - who won two Oscars
for the films' special effects
- and make-up - oversaw the transfer of
the exhibition from the
- National Museum of New Zealand.
- Organisers hope some of the actors will
visit when the final film in
- the trilogy opens in December. The exhibition
runs until 11 January.
Opening hours have been extended to 9pm at weekends but advance
- booking is advised.
- More
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